Friday, January 22, 2010


I took a look at myself and I’m bewildered
My bloodshot sclera
Eyelids so numb and loose
Pupils dwindling
Iris’ etiolated
Shoulders so droopy
Posture incomplete
Indulgent heartbeats
Soul roams the place
My tear-ducts indelibrately flowing
Hands trembling with nerves inflamed
Legs barely standing still
I'm helpless
I want to rejuvenate my bliss
Pinpoint what dried up my vitality
I fall to ease my fatigue
I want to rise
But myself refuses
So I scream in plead
In the dark
I lie on smooth floor that stabs every inch of my flesh
My soul waters its warmth onto my lips
My tongue tastes the saltiness of my pain
But my consciousness is forbidden to comprehend
So I asked myself what drained my corpus
And myself said


1 comment:

  1. and the teacher speaks...
    Emily Dickindon, one of the greatest poets of all time, was said to have been influenced by the Romantic poets who allowed themselves to wallow is self-pity. But Emily never descended to the baser moods of such a condition.
    That was what Henry W. Wells (a major critic) said of Emily's romantic sensibility.
    now, Mohamad Fahs, you have allowed yourself to go to such a feeling, which I do not believe is in any way base or bad. It is essential for every poet to allow himself to say whatever is on his mind. But, you should not allow yourself to wallow, and remain in such a condition. You have experience self-pity, now detach yourself from it. Because it only becomes base when it takes over your creative process. One good thing about poets and writers, is that they create worlds for themselves where they can actually live.
