Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Take me, I'm alive
Say you love me then kill me
Tell me I'm worth it
But then kill me when I'm alive
I'm alive under your saw
But I'm dying your dripping sacred holes

Recite the lyrics of the death song
The sweet promising lyrics of un-ending love
Kill me more
Or I'd rather kill myself
O love,
Since when do orgasms lead to suicide?

We are extremists only in love
And you call me the supreme
But I'm insecure and I love you
Kill me
Let nirvana rape me dry
I want to die
And I'm the only one
I'm the only one
But am I the only one?


  1. Pretty big change too, if you had just softened it up I would have assumed the obvious reasons but Nirvana is a whole other topic.. or am I missing a subtle connection between the two titles..

    What induced the title change?

  2. The poem is inspired by Nivana's song Rape me. If you know the song, you'd notice that in the last few lines, I used some of the song's lyrics.

    The main concept of the poem is that I'm too happy I'm already in heaven. I'm dead from reality.

    I thought the title "Rape me" is a little unfair since the main concept here is my vast happiness that I'm going through. So I called it "Nirvana" to describe my state of mind. =)
